Hasil copy-paste Group discussion'na AGUTE di FS.... buat anak2 Tembagapura , pasti bakal nyambung banget ma tulisan-tulisan di bawah ini... buat yang bukan anak Tembagapura, maaf ye kalo kalian sedikit bahkan gag nyambung sama sekali, hohohoho... Special Thanx buat: Evert Joku, Kellops, Jeckie Sekeh...
You know you are AGUTE if...
-you have lived in Tembagapura
-love reggae music, by love i mean when u hear it,.you scream "ooooo " or "wwoooooo" before u dance to it
-know what "wayase" is and can dance wayase
-dance wayase to every reggae song you hear!"
-know what a YPJ is
-know at least 1YPJ school janitor
-know the route of the Bus in town.
-have been to "air terjun"
-know where Batu besar is
-have "kartu soping"
-have said "Stop om" ...."makasi Om" at least once in your life
-know where every street in town is
-have had in some point of your life, an "Umbrella hat" (kyakkyakkya)
-Had or still have more than one pair of "sepatu Bot" with pictures of Super Heros on the side,...(kyakkyakya)
-Know at least one dog by name in the TPRA..
-when you get back from vacation, you cant wait to show ur friends all your NEW stuff (shoes, backpack, shirts,etc)
-go back to TPRA for vacations because you want to watch/play basketball
-never get sick from the rain,.. hahahha...
-think TPRA is the best city ever,...
-want to go back for work/ or just live in TPRA someday...even though there is nothing much there..
- have had a toy from "pembagian mainan" (i dont think they still have it now)
-have been to at least one "FUN FAIR"
-know who "om marten" is (for the older people hahaha)
-have skipped school and one of the Teacher called your house!
-have participated in Drumband,PASKIBRA,PADUAN SUARA, and other groups for 17th of Augt.
-have run from the school car at night ( my era, 803(pa Benny/Sanwani/Arief), 1091(pa Benny/Sam Koibur), 1654 (pa Yoku,pak benny/pak arief)..
- want to drive/have a "bulldog" car one day
-know what these terms mean:
*meterrr kandas
*Munking dong kurang dara ka?"
*"Bisa ka?"
*"Ada ka?"
"Off ka?"
"kerja malam"
"makan bunu"
"mata pica!"
"tida gampang paak!!!"
"Sepatu Kings"
"kurang linca!"
-Everyone in TPRA know who your father is, where he works, whats his car number, who is his boss, just by hearing your last name!"
- know at least one of the villages name in tembagapura (Banti, kampung waa, ompitawak 1;2;3, tsinga, ect)
- have watched at least one soccer game between "kelas 3 SMP lawan 2 SMP".
- have been caught by a teacher because you and your buddy smoking in playground??
- have eaten in "mes staff" at least once in your life (for laki2 only...kyakyakya)
- know "PIM" tembagapura... (hidden Valley)
- know when people say "ehh sebentar malam playground kah??//"
- have joined one of the "KARATE" group
- have watched "Blue" movie with your friend
- have ever heard your friend sing "Om kasih bunyi"
- have seen the first swimming pool in tembagapura hidden valley (for new people, hope you guys enjoy it. kyakya)
- know the skateboarding place in tembagapura (ikut bis tujuan amole/west)
- have been to ridge camp, 74, underground, grasberg.
- have been to timika and kuala kencana.
- have been to Rechall "nonto filem"
- have walked from hidden valley to tembagapura
- have seen at least one of the reggae band (abowhim, abresso, rio grime).
- get drunk and dance in Lupa Lelah Club
- got involved in "perang penutup kaleng"
- know the old sporthall where "pace2" used to play "bliyar and pinpong"
- have asked for an Ice cream "Om bunkus/ambil es krim di paper cup kah??" kyakya
- have played with "AGUTE" basketball team and "pace2 dong baku tumbuk"
- know how to eat pinag otherwise your mouth will be burn?/
- know "ucen" means
- know "amole" means
- know "nyok" means
- know "mangga" means
- know "kertas timah" means
- know "walakore" means
- know tembagapura very well....
- u have said injak at least once!
- u have tried pinang!
- u have heard ppl say " karjawan makan keyu"!
- u have sipped the taste of kopi susu!
- u know where bukit is?
- u know at least 75% of the ppl in town/ faces! actually not nemore i think, since theres lots of new faces that i dont know of.. my bad.. at least known as anak tempur b4!
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